
Receiptify: Turn Spotify Plays Into A Receipt

Did you know that you can turn your Spotify plays into a receipt? What would a Spotify receipt look like? How to create a Spotify receipt in Receiptify? Here are all the answers.

Spotify is a worldwide popular music streaming platform. Every music lover likes Spotify. But very few know that you can turn your Spotify music listening history into a receipt. And this is where Receiptfy works best. Anyway, this feature works on Apple Music and too.

What Is Receiptify?

Receiptify is a listening history receipt creator that works for different music players, especially Spotify. It is a web application created by Michelle Liu to generate realistic receipts.

Receiptify is a free-to-use web application that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. So, anyone can enjoy this extension.

Why Do You Need Receiptfy?

Receiptify allows you to select a specific time period (one month ago, six months ago, or forever) and see the history of the music you listened to during that time period. However, the most interesting thing about Receiptify is, there is a “quantity” section in the receipt that allows you to see how many times you listened to each song. 

This extension allows you to track your listening habit for a specific period of time or forever. With the help of this web application, you can easily detect your most listened-to or most favorite songs. For Spotify listeners, Receiptify creates a perfect Spotify receipt in just a few seconds.

How To Create A Spotify Receipt

Receiptify is extremely easy to use. You can do it in just a few taps. To begin with, you have to log in, then all you have to do is, visit their website, and select whatever music service you use.

Suppose you use Spotify, then click “Log in with Spotify”. Then put your Spotify login information (or select other “log in with” options) and tap log in.

(However, if you don’t have an account on Spotify, you may have to create one first.)

The second step is to select the time period (for example six months, forever) and generate the receipt of your music-listening habit.

How To Use Receiptify For Spotify

In short, visit Then the three-step process would be,

  1. Log in to Receiptify with Spotify
  2. Select the time period
  3. Generate

How To Use Receiptify For Apple Music

In short, visit Then the three-step process would be,

  1. Log in to Receiptify with Apple Music
  2. Select the time period
  3. Generate

However, Receiptify may not work perfectly for Apple Music users. Because the way Apple collects data is not so appropriate for Receaiptify.

How To Share Receiptify Receipts?

If you wish to share the receipt you created with someone you may take a screenshot on whatever device you are using and use the sharing option that appears right after the screenshot is taken.

You can also download the receipt if you want and then share it with anyone.

To share your receipt on social media, go to the bottom of the receipt that you generated. There should be a button called “Get Image”. Just click the “Get Image” button and the receipt will be downloaded to your device in form of an image. Then you can simply share that image wherever you want just like you share any other images on social media.

Why You Should Receiptify Spotify

Fun Tool

Receiptify is a fun tool that allows you to create a receipt of your music listening history. Surely you will find out something different about yourself.

Share Spotify History

The best thing is, it allows you to share your entire history with anyone. You may post the receipt on social media to share what you have been listening to most during the month or year. It gives an idea about your taste in music and your mood.

Track Listening Habits

 Many users suggested that they were surprised by the finding in Receiptify. You may get an idea about what genre of music you genuinely like and what kind of music you should listen to.

Some Other Interesting Spotify Extensions Or Apps Like Receiptify

  1. Obscurify

This application lets you know how unique the taste of your music is. It’s a fun tool for music lovers. It also shows the result based on your music history like Receiptify. Obscurity is free of charge.

To learn more about Obscurify click here.

  1.  Spotube 

Spotube allows you to add YouTube songs to Spotify playlists. Probably you found a song or a cover on YouTube that is not available on Spotify. You can add that music to your Spotify playlist by using Spotube. Another free extension!

  1. Musicscape

Musicscape creates a landscape based on the recent music you listened to. It’s basically a combination of the emotions gathered from your music-listening history and converted into a colorful landscape. This application is totally free of cost. Sounds cool right? Try it now.

Final Thoughts

Let us know what you think about the features of Receiptify in the comment section. Also, share your receipt with us. We would love to listen to your favorite music.