
How To Add Music To Google Slides [Updated 2023]

In this article, we’ll show you how to add music to Google Slides to liven up your presentations in the sections below.

Google Slides provides users with a free and extremely adaptable tool for creating interesting presentations.

Simple slides, on the other hand, may not be enough to properly catch the interest of your audience.

Adding music to your Google Slides presentation will undoubtedly make it more memorable for your audience. Let’s dive into how you can add music to google slides.

Primary requirements to add music to google slides

You must have an active Google Account to use Google Slides.

If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for one for free by visiting their signup website.

Next, you’ll need a Google Drive account to save your Google Slides presentation as well as the audio files that you’ll be using in the techniques indicated below.

Signing up for Google Drive is similarly free and may be done via their Google Drive signup website.

Before you continue, make sure you have both accounts set up.

Choosing the correct track

When choosing music or sounds for your Google Slides presentation, keep in mind three factors:

Make a conscious effort to know which type of music can attract the audience.

Choose the music according to the subject and occasion of the presentation.

Make sure it fits the image and brand

While you may be tempted to pick a soundtrack that suits your personal taste, that choice may not work well for a professional presentation.

Also, think about whether you’re going to speak over the soundtrack, or whether you’re going to wait for the soundtrack to finish before you speak. If you’re going to use the soundtrack as background music, softer instrumental music will work better than loud vocals.

Ways to add music in google slides

A user can add music to their Google Slides presentation in a variety of ways.

It has become easier to do as Google has improved the service.

We’ll list all of the different options here, and you may pick the one that works best for you.

Simply insert the audio file

The ability to embed audio into Google Slides is a more recent addition to the feature set.

This is currently the simplest way to incorporate music into your Google Slides presentation.

This can be accomplished by taking the following steps:

 Audio playback options

When you add music using the “Insert Audio” technique, you are offered various useful options for determining how the music will be played back.

When you click on the inserted audio icon on the slide, you’ll see these options on the right-side menu.

These are the alternatives:

Using video link

When using video as background music, you have numerous options, just like with audio playback.

By clicking on the inserted video, you can access this from the right-hand menu.

Using Youtube videos

Prior to the implementation of the “Insert Audio” option, one technique of putting music into a slide was to link to a YouTube video.

This is still a feasible option for individuals who want to make a video but don’t want to go to the hassle of creating an audio file to post to Google Drive.

This can be accomplished in the following manner:

Through link share

Prior to the introduction of the “Insert Audio” option, this was the only way to add music to Google Slides without utilizing video.

This is no longer extensively used because the “Insert Audio” function has rendered it obsolete, but it still works.

This method is described in detail below:

To start with you should keep the audio file of your choice in the google drive. 

Adding audio files for android and mac operating systems

All of the solutions outlined above will be available to you regardless of whether your operating system is Windows or Mac OS.

The same may be said about utilizing a Chromebook.

Google Slides is not system-dependent and does not require installation to function.

It is totally online and will not vary in functionality regardless of the system you use.

When using a computer, use the methods given above to embed audio into your Google Slide presentation.

Although Google Slides is available for mobile devices, the editing options are severely limited.

When creating a slide on an Android device, there is no “Insert Audio” or “Insert Video” option.

However, if you like, you can continue to use the “Shareable Links” option. We are going to take the android system as an example.

To accomplish this, first:

It should be noted that there are no audio editing tools available on mobile. To play the file, open the link by tapping on the shape or text box. By default, it will open in a new browser tab.

You should be able to replicate the same procedure in an i-phone as Google Slides is not system dependent.

Keeping the same audio file for all the slides

If you want only one piece of audio to play throughout the presentation, uncheck the “Stop on Slide Change” toggle while using the “Insert Audio Feature.”

If you have your starting audio on loop, it will continue to play until you finish your presentation.

However, if you have another audio file embedded in another slide, both files will play at the same time.

Adding audio files while presenting

Only during the editing process can audio files and other media objects be added to the presentation.

When the Slides file is playing, just playback choices are displayed, and no other media can be added directly.

If you want to be able to play different media while the presentation is running, build a new Slides presentation with all of the files you want to utilize and have it play in a different browser tab.

When necessary, you can flip back and forth between the two files.

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